PEMF Quantron Research Papers

QRS Research

As the most researched PEMF home use device on the market, the QRS proudly stands apart from the rest.  Below are some scientific studies conducted not on PEMFs alone, but specifically on the QRS. Note that in some studies the QRS is referred to as “Salut”, which used to be the product name for the QRS home unit and this name has changed to “QRS-101 Home”.

Preliminary Results on the Effects of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields on Symptoms and Functional Status in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

*** Soon to be published here ***

The University of Virginia, center for the study of complementary and alternative therapies, received an NIH grant to study the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on symptoms and functional status in women with Rheamatoid Arthritis. The study was completed in 2007. QRS-101 Home systems were used for this study. Soon to be published here.

Whole Body Magnetic Field Therapy for Selected Diseases of persons in a general practice.

Clinical use and testing of the QRS began with elderly patients who were not having success with standard medical treatment. Review this study to see the broad range of positive outcomes with the QRS for mature populations.

Proof of ion transport due to application of QRS System Salut II

All producers of magnetic field therapies claim their products regenerate by activating cell metabolism. Metabolism always requires transport of ions. Therefore all such claims should be evaluated carefully. Only the QRS has a worldwide patent, obtained after years of research, for the transport of ions into body cells. Read this blood study demonstrating the transport of sodium, calcium, and potassium.

Using Magnetic Fields to Increase Flexibility and Reduce Pain with Respect to Ailments of the Ambulatory Apparatus.

Results presented at the 26th Conference of the Austrian Society for Internal Medicine in Europe on a study conducted at Marburg Teaching Hospital, Drau (Slovakia) and the Institute of Hygiene, Graz University (Austria).

Using Magnetic Fields to Increase Flexibility and Reduce Pain with Respect to Ailments of the Ambulatory Apparatus

Results presented at the Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation on a study conducted at Marburg Teaching Hospital, Drau (Slovakia) and the Institute of Hygiene, Graz University (Austria).

Randomized Double Blind Study with the QRS Magnetic Field Therapy and Osteoarthritis

Review the results of a randomized double blind study with the QRS and 71 Osteoarthritis Patients from the General Hospital Miribor/Slovenia

Calcifying Tendinitis Of The Shoulder

View positive x-ray results from using the QRS Small Pillow in the case of Calcifying Tendinitis of the Shoulder.

Report on the application of full body magnetic field therapy with the Quantron Resonance system (QRS)

Check a report on the application of the QRS in treating wound healing at the Geriatric Hospital in Graz, Austria.

First experiences with the QRS whole-body magnetic field therapy in the case of 25 discopathy patients

Review the small study on 25 Rehabilitation Discopathy patients and QRS treatment.

Blood flow changes in the retina in the case of normal probands under the QRS therapy as well as before and after sublingual administration of 0,4 mg trinitroglycerin– results of a preliminary study

A preliminary study examined how the blood vessels in the retina are dilated when using the QRS. This study on blood flow changes in the retina shows positive potential use of QRS in the field of ophthalmology.

Other QRS Clinical trials and scientific studies

These are all in German and can be send to you upon request.

Pain alleviation – 1995

University of Graz – Prof. Dr. Fisher. Published on the 26th Annual Conference on Internal Medicine in Vienna

Cardiovascular – 1997

Ärztezeitschrift ZÄN July 1997

Jena University

Dr. med. G. Grohmann, Prof. Dr. Ing.-habil. M. Krauss

Safety to pacemakers – 1997

Karlsruhe University

Univ.-Prof. Dr. K. Meyer-Waarden

Stray radiation safety (pacemakers) – 1998

Accredited EMV – Prüflabor

Fa. Spiess, EMV – Messtechnik

Stimulated metabolism, inparticular Ca++ – 1998

Book “Grundlagen der Quantentherapie’

Dr. E. G. Fischer – Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. L. König

Headache – insomnia – potency stimulation – 1998

Study of Univ. – Prof. Dr. R. B. Pelka, Dr. V. Moliere

Book “Grundlagen der Quantentherapie”

Increased pulmonal oxygen absorption rate – 1998

Space research project, 1998 with QRS Ministry of Health, Moscow

Increased circulation as determined by thermography – 1998

Prof. Dr. hibil. W.A. Kafka, Max-Plank Institute

Prof. Dr. Ing.-hibil. M. Krauss

Proliferation of bacteria – 1998

Study at the Hohenheim University

Univ.-Prof. Dr. R. Süssmuth, Dr. R. Mittenzwey

Wound healing (ulcerated legs) – 1998

Study at the General Accident Hospital Graz

Primarius Univ.-Prof. Dr. R. Passl

Oxygen partial pressure increase up to 300% – 1998

Large-scale study at the Saarland University, Book ‘Grundlagen der Quantentherapie”

Dr. E.G.Fischer

Osteoporosis – 1998-2001

Study and doctoral thesis at the Frankfurt University

Prof.Dr.L.Zichner,, Large-scale study, duration

Diseases of the locomotor systems – 1999

Shoulder, hip and knee joint, neuralgias

Graz University, Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer.nat.G. Fischer

Dr.W.Glaube, W. Kobinger, published at the Österreichische Zeitschrift für physikalische Medizine und Rehabilitation

Improved blood count – 1999

(prevention of thrombus generation)


Prof. Dr. hibil. Mult. J. Waldmann, Prof.Dr.Ing-hibil. M. Krauss

Rheumatology and Osteology – 1999

Hygiene Institute of the Graz University and Teaching Hospital Marburg/Drau

Univ.-Prog.Dr.rer.nat.G.Fischer, W.Kobinger,

Blood diagnostics-changes in blood volume – 1999


Prof.Dr.hibil.mult.J.Waldmann, Prof.Dr.Ing-hibil.M.Krauss, G.Grohmann

Toxicity of white blood cells – 2000

Safety of QRS administration up to 2 hours duration and more.

Prof.Dr.Dr.A Varga, Heidelberg University

Demonstration of ion transport (cellular metabolism). Patented at QRS – 2000

Demonstration of the transport of ions Na+ K+, and Ca++ at the Szeged University (Hungary) Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Varga and Dr. D. Deralat at the Max-Plank-Institute

Field leakage at various applications – 2000

The involvement of third persons under QRS therapy

Determination of the required minimum distance.


Exact investigation of field strengths and frequency patterns – 2000

and the signal-theoretic analysis on the QRS stimulation signal


Wound healing sacral decubitus/multiple varicose ulcers – 2000

Study at the General Accident Hospital Graz Primarium Univ.-Prof.Dr.R..Passl

Dental treatment – circulation treatment of the pulp – 2000

Jena: University,


Prof.Dr.Ing.-habil. M. Krauss

Cardiovascular – sympathicus control by QRS – 2000

Prof. Dr. Fischer AG Institute – Technology Center – Chemnitz

Prof. Dr. Ing.-hibil M. Krauss

Gonarthrosis – 2001

Double-bling study, Doz. Dr. Z.Turk,

Marburg University Hospital

Univ.-Prof.Dr.rer.nat. G.Fischer, Graz University

Parkinson’s Disease – 2001

Case study

Trinidad and Tobago University



Cancer treatment – 2001

“La Torre” Health Center, Torino

QRS therapy and oncology, pilot study

Ocular treatment- changes in retinal circulation – 2001

Jena University


Prof.Dr.Ing-hibil. M.Krauss

Bone healing-osteoporosis-in vertebral disk lesions – 2001

Pilot study

Edith-Stein-achklink, Neurology and Orthopedics

QRS customers field study, 30,000 QRS users 100 case studies – 2001

Munich University


Fitness sports/lactate and balance – 2001

Double-bline study

Germany Armeded Forces University Munich

Univ.-Prof. Dr.R.B.Pelka

QRS Research around the World


University of Erlangen, wound healing

University ofI Nürnberg, diabetes

University of München, Ionen transport

University of Frankfurt, Osteoporosis

University of Jena, Cardiovascular


University of Graz, bone healing


University of Virginia, Rheumatoid Arthritis


Space Center Moscow, lung, bloodstream


University of West Indiens, sickle cell anemia


University of Amsterdam, melatonin

Serbien Serbia

University of Belgrad, blood & scars